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Frequently Asked Questions

The benefits of automatic garden irrigation

If you are considering automatic garden irrigation, several questions may arise. The answers below may help answer your questions.

Question: Will automatic garden irrigation cause me to use more water than if I do this manually?

Answer: No. An automatic garden irrigation system will even ensure that you save water. The exact amount of water, no more, no less, that your garden and park needs will be determined by the system. Even if you forget to turn off the water hose, the system will not waste water. With a Rain Bird rain sensor, the system will know exactly when it is raining and switch itself off when necessary.

Question: Will automatic garden irrigation really save me time?

Answer: Yes. Even if you are not at home, you do not have to worry about the garden irrigation system. The system takes care of all this automatically. You don’t have to spend time manually watering if your system is already doing this for you!

Question: Can automatic garden irrigation ensure that my garden and park are taken care of as well as I would by hand?

Answer: The garden irrigation system is designed according to our customer’s needs and the landscape of garden and park to which it is applied. We use specific products that fully match your grass, trees, forests and plants. This makes the system more efficient than manual work.

Question: Do I really need automatic garden irrigation if I have an annual rainfall of more than 100 centimetres in my garden and park?

Answer: It may not be necessary to install automatic garden irrigation when the same amount of millimetres of rainfall occurs every three days. But of course nature doesn’t work this way. By watering at the same times, flora will perform better than when these moments are too far apart.

Question: What are the components of automatic garden irrigation?

Answer: The system manages the process and it acts like the brain of the system. Valves that open and close cause water to flow or stop flowing to underground pipes and sprinklers. Devices that cause the system to shut down with rain, soil moisture sensors and drip irrigation zones can further adjust the system according to personal needs.

To ensure that all of this works together, it is best to purchase the parts from the same supplier. The most complete line of parts are designed and supplied by Rain Bird.

Question: Can I install automatic garden irrigation myself?

Answer: It is possible to install automatic garden irrigation yourself. It is important that you make considerations when you start a project. Be aware of how long an installation can take and carefully study the tools required for installation. Installation can take a few days, depending on the size of the garden and park.

Before starting the installation, a blueprint of the system can help complete a desired installation. It is possible to have a design made for this. You get a design plan and a list of products you need.

Before starting, consult a local plumber. A non-return valve is required by many municipalities to prevent the irrigation from coming into contact with the drinking water. Knowing which terms apply can help with mistakes with a large price tag. Prepare the land you want to irrigate well. You may have to move plants, trees or forests before the system can be installed.

Question: Can installing an automatic system myself save costs?

Answer: It depends on the project whether costs will be saved. If you want to build an efficient irrigation system then costs for products will only be part of the total cost. A licensed contractor will bring years of experience in both design and installation and will most likely be cost efficient. The risks of errors will therefore also be considerably reduced. Professionalism will make the process a lot faster through experience, training and certification.

Question: I have decided to have a contractor install the system. How do I choose the right person?

Answer: Here are some tips for choosing the right person:

  • A contractor must do his homework before sending you a bid. They will need to visit the site, map water supplies, view water pressure, and understand the needs and goals of automatic garden irrigation.
  • Experience matters. View previous projects and research reviews from customers who have previous experience with the contractor.
  • It is not advisable to only look at price. Some contractors may have a more attractive offer than their competitors, but there is a chance that the end result will not be as expected. Ask the right questions, see what service is offered, what the design plan looks like and to what extent it is possible to install the system as desired.

We can help you find the right contractor. Contact us and we will help you further.

Question: How much will automatic garden irrigation cost?

Answer: Based on the size of the lot, the type of landscape, the number of zones, the products that will be used and other specifics, a price will be determined. Whether you are going to install yourself or hire a contractor: Rain Bird products will ensure that the desired result is achieved.

Question: Is automatic garden irrigation difficult to operate?

Answer: Rain Bird offers a large selection of different products that are easy to operate and adapt. The latest Rain Bird products automatically adjust themselves based on the weather, temperature and rainfall so you can sit back and let the system do its work.


Before you make a decision whether to buy automatic garden irrigation or not, we understand that you have more questions than we have addressed. We hope we’ve answered many questions, but get in touch and we’ll make sure you can make the right choice with confidence.